My next door neighbor is from Mexico, and on his last visit I asked him to bring me some Vanilla back-I sent him with $20 and told him to bring back as much as he could. Turns out in Mexico $20 goes a long way.

I got these cute bottles at World Market and then added some paper and ribbon to dress them up. (NOTE: I still have Vanilla left....... it only took 2 jugs of Vanilla to fill up these 5 glass bottles)

And catch me live Sunday at 2 pm central time. I will be showing you how to Wet Stamp!
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Use the link above and RSVP!!
Time: 2pm Central (12 pacific, 1 pm mountain, 2 pm central, 3 pm eastern)
Hi Aaron! What beautiful bottles and what a nice gift! It's a good thing that vanilla keeps!!! LOL
I've used the vanilla from Mexico before and it's wonderful. :-)
Lovely gift!
Those bottles are awesome, love the look of them. And what a nice gift. BTW, I really like how you used the fishing swivel to attach the tags.
When easy is as lovely as this, you can't go wrong. I know I would love to receive some vanilla, Yummy!!
-and you've packaged them up just as lovely!!
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