As you know I recently re-orginized and painted the scraproom. One of the things that changed was how I stored my re-inker bottles. Before they laid flat in a drawing and I could see the labels to tell me what color it was. In the new drawer they stand up, so I would have to pick up every bottle to find the color I was looking for. I came up with this idea to help find the color I was looking for quicker. I used a hole punch to punch a small circle of matching cardstock and then glued the small circle to the top of the bottle lid using liquid glass. Now with one look I can find the color that I need.
super super clever idea Aaron...
Brilliant idea:)
How come I never thought of that??? I've been trying to solve this exact problem for a couple years!!
You are a GENIUS!! Fabulous idea!
Aaron, what a great idea. I keep mine in a Rubbermaid container in alphabetical order. I used several sheets of white daisy card stock and made little rows (dividers) for the bottles to sit in. The little colored dots on the tops will take the guess work out of it. Thanks for sharing.
great idea! will you please come organize my room? week-end at the beach?! ; ) how do you store your punches? that seems to be my issue-not enough wall space to do the towel-rack thing..and lots of odd sizes...
What a wonderful idea! Maybe CTMH will start including a dot on the bottles! Thanks for sharing your idea!
Now why didn't I think of that? LOL I too store mine right side up so I will have to dot mine ASAP. Thanks for the tip!
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