I spent the weekend painting my craftroom. I think I have finally got it just the way that I want! For now anyways. You can see more pictures of it
here and
The new color is Bay Mist.

I re-arranged a few things and added a few more. Including this art cord (that seems to be sagging a little now, I will have to see about that) I love how it looks like a little clothes line with cards. (the cord came from Ikea, and was really easy to install)

I do want to get some pictures to hang on the wall, but I hadn't found anything yet that I want to look at all the time.
A wall of white frames, maybe some that are just the frames themselves with wire in them for hanging more of your beautiful cards? You could even do a few that have words on the glass.
This is a very pretty color. It will add to the fun of being in your room!
What a beautiful color! Fresh, calming, and happy! LOVE your work space!
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