Monday, November 2, 2015

A New Vision for Me

It's the start of a new month and a new journey for me. I recently attended a CTMH event that was extremely inspiring (they always are, and I haven't been able to attend any for awhile) so inspiring, that I have set some BIG goals for myself. I want to be in Puerto Vallarta in 2017. 
CTMH doesn't give these trips away and you dont win them. You have to work hard and Earn IT.
I wrote down my goals, I have a plan and now it's time to do the hard work.
Since you are here, reading the blog I will start with what's going to happen on Booth 32.

1. You are still going to get great Artwork!! Art is what I love most, all kinds and I enjoy sharing with you. Hearing that you read my blog everyday makes my heart happy! In the past I have stuck to the schedule of 5 days a week, but I struggle with the content on 20+ blog posts a month. I will admit that I have add a picture and decided that was good enough because I really didn't have the energy to write anything. Sad, but true! The new schedule will be 2-3 posts per week. Instead of one project on the post you are going to see several projects with more content, tips and ART!

2. Weekly GIVE AWAYS! For EVERYONE!! Every week I will asks for comments on the blog, these comments let me know you are stopping by and what you think of the Art. From these comments I will choose random winners and give away an assortment of prizes!!
I also want your business- So in addition to the comment give-away, I will GIVE for FREE the same gift to each and EVERY person who orders on-line. Each week will be different with details in the blog posts. (The 1st one is tomorrow!!)

3. As for my local customers, I love you the most!! You have been my life line for the past 10 years and I couldn't do it without you! Nothing will change for you- we will still have 2-4 classes a month, color clubs, VIP hostesses and events. 
I will be introducing a killer referral program to you as an incentive to bring your friends. I want the classes to get so big we need to rent a room some place!! 

Now lets talk about my vision board! Those of you who have been in my craftroom know that these wire frames were on the wall behind my work area for a while. Of course I am forever changing that so you know that now the glitter clipboards are there. I needed something to remind me EVERYday what I am working for! So I used the November Stamp of the Month to embellish my vision board.
I printed out some pictures of the hotel, some of my favorite inspirational quotes, cut some cricut shapes and stamped!
The stamped images are cute, right?
This stamp of the month is great for getting your new year off to great start! I have lots of stuff to show you this week using the SOTM. Here it is!
ONLY $5.00 when you spend $50!

I look forward to taking you all along with me on this journey!!
Lastly- Please look for me on Facebook and Instagram. Both place have different projects posted often!! Also Be sure to LIKE my Facebook page last month I started what I am calling the "This Week's Deals" -- The deals are so good!! Limited time 1/2 price items!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, Aaron! I'm exciting for your business shift, and I know you to be a generous spirit always helping other consultants and customers with artwork sharing and inspiration. I have recently made a new business goal but for different reasons. I wish you all the best.
