Friday, August 22, 2014

Pin Ispired Treat Sack

 I haven't done a Pin Inspired project in awhile. CTMH gave us some wonderful paper sacks this time around. And my mind just started turning with all the fun things they could be used for! For starters I made this bag tag and stapled it right to the sack. Now it's ready to add some fun treats or a card. I was also thinking how fun it would be to use as a party invitation! Just tuck the party details right in the bag.
Below you can see that I used a piece of velum that I punched out with a scallop punch. To get the decorative border I just used a small embossing stylus and drew the pattern by hand!

Happy Friday to you all-
See you next week with more projects!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it..especially the hand-drawn squigglies on the vellum!!!
