Friday, March 8, 2013

Rolodex give away!!

Today is my 37th Birthday!! What better way to celebrate than giving away something? I hadn't made a Rolodex in a long time and I a brand new one in my stash and decided to decorate it with the For Always paper pack. Since I have one for myself I will give this one away!  (You can see a few more here.)

2 ways to win-
1. Leave a comment on this post- tell me if you use an address book or Rolodex or if you have moved to modern times-Do you keep EVERYTHING in your cellphone? (I recently had a lot of spam on my blog so I had to add the security features to the comments, bummer I know)

2. Like my Facebook page and share MY post about the give away. (In order to track it you will need to share my post) 

Give Away ends at midnight March 15th. I will post a winner the following Monday!


  1. Happy Birthday, Aaron! I keep *most* of my contact info on my computer... but can't quite give up my daytimer yet :o)

  2. Happy Birthday to you!! This rolodex is amazing, some of my favorite mix of papers and colors! I have contacts in an older book that keeps losing the letters on the tabbed pages. I don't think I could trust saving them in my computer or phone with all my recent technology issues!!! Hope your Birthday is fantastic!

  3. This is gorgeous!! I absolutely love it.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! <3

    I love this it is gorgeous!

  5. Happy Birthday, sweetie!
    I do have an address book, but it is sadly has many X-ed out pages and so many updated addresses written in ink in it. I love the idea of a rolodex and yours is beautiful. :)

    I also know a way around having to use the comment moderation in Blogger, if you want to give it a try. Just shoot me an email. vwizniuk at pris dot ca

  6. Happy Birthday, Aaron!

    This is beautiful. If I had it, I would certainly use it for my addresses.

    Currently, I have an odd mix of address storage techniques. I have a spreadsheet that is partially complete (and somewhat outdated - a few people have moved or passed away). I have an old address book from the pre-computer era, with some newer addresses added in. And I have my contacts on my phone (which I don't fully trust).

  7. Very, very pretty! Thanks for the chance to win.

    I am still old-fashioned and keep my addresses in a book. But like Vicki W. said, I have a lot of crossed out names and address changes. I'm afraid to keep info on my phone for security reasons and if I lost it, everything would be gone! :)

    Happy birthday and have a great birthday weekend!

  8. Happy Birthday!

    I love your artwork; all of it is very inspiring. I really like this paper pack, and it was a great choice for this rolodex. I still use an address book, and like others have said it has a lot of scratched out info.

  9. I am a visual learner, so I have to keep things written down. I'm afraid my phone or computer will crash, and I will lose it all. I've kept an address book for years, and I will continue to do so.

    I love everything you create! Lucy is looking great!

  10. I still use an address book and they are getting much harder to find! Your rolodex is beautiful - thanks for this giveaway on your birthday!

  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I don't need to be entered to win...I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE THIS and will be trying to make one myself SOON! Enjoy your day!

  12. Happy Birthday!!! So sweet of you to post on your special day... Now go do something fun! I keep all my addresses in an old hideously beat-up spiral notebook, so I could REALLY use an update... Like your adorable Rolodex!

  13. Happy Birthday! I love your blog. Check it each day. This Rolodex is beautiful. I have most of my addresses on my computer in a spread sheet. I print it ever so often so that if the computer crashes I don't loose everything.

  14. Happy Birthday to my beautiful friend! I still use an address book. Love your work!

  15. I still use an address book, but have wanted to move to a rolodex for some time now (I even bought one at an estate sale last year)! I love how you decorated yours and if I don't win I just might copy it!

  16. Happy Birthday, Aaron! My contacts are in my cellphone, but I _hate_ using the phone for addresses, birthdays, and calendar events. Hate it. My husband doesn't understand my intense aversion to it! :)

  17. Happy Birthday to one of the most amazing paper crafters! I still have an address book, but I use my computer to generate my Christmas card list.

  18. Happy Birthday, Aaron. I love your Rolodex. I have two different address books which are both falling apart. I really need to combine them into the Rolodex idea for that.

    I have my Christmas card list on the computer so I can print out labels, but I am always grabbing my little books when it's time to send a card out.

    Love your blog, stop by on a very regular basis to be inspired by your awesome creativity!!

  19. That is gorgeous-would love to have that rolodex on my desk!!! YOU are so talented.

  20. Whoo hoo! Happy birthday Aaron! Beautiful Rolodex! For Always is my favorite. It would look perfect in my craft room/office. *wink wink*. I still used a good 'ol fashioned address book.

  21. did my first comment go through? Just in case, Happy Birthday! Love this rolodex. You always make such beautiful things. Theresa

  22. This is the nicest rolodex I have ever seen!!! Your work is beautiful! I actually keep most of my phone numbers on a list that is taped to the side of my I could use a new system :)

  23. I store most everything in my cell phone. I wish I didn't. I love my electronic tools but I am a paper person too.

  24. Happy Birthday! I have an address list that I can't locate most of the time! I love this Rolodex and would love to use it!

  25. Happy Birthday! This is such an adorable Rolodex! I keep most of my info on my phone and...on tiny pieces of paper in a drawer! This would be a great organizer for me!

  26. HI! There is a woman in my office that has an old falling apart Rolodex for all of our service providers. This would be a great surprise to give to her!!

  27. Happy Birthday! I love your blog--first of all! Thanks for all your wonderful posts. Inspiration for sure! And I use a combination of the old and new. Some of my info is on my computer, some in an address book so this rolodex would be a way to put them all together which needs to happen.
    Thanks again!

  28. Such a stunning and purposeful creation! Lovely!

    I have a hodge podge system of "organizing" my contact information. I have an address book that I keep family addresses and birthdays, etc. in, but my cell phone is steadily gaining in the wealth of information it holds for me.

  29. Oh..I have a little pink address book and keep all those business cards too :)

    Am a visual person so this is most helpful and works for me.

    Love the Rolodex idea and of course..

    Happy Happy Birthday!!!!
