Thursday, October 20, 2011

Book Review: The Sweetheart of Prosper County

A few weeks back I visited my parents, and while there the battery on my kindle died and I hadn't brought the cord. My mom keeps lots of books around (she teaches middle school reading, so they are mostly young adult) I picked up this one and read a few chapters while there. After I finished my last book I decided to download this book and finish reading it. It's a really cute story, reminds me of my own days in high school FFA. The main character, Austin Grey decides to raise a chicken for her county fair project, a roster. She names the roster Charles Dickens. It made me smile to think of "Charles Dickens the Chicken" Austin is dealing with a lot of things, the death of her father, her mothers depression and then regular high school problems. The book is a quick read and has a great, feel good ending. You can read more here.

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