Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Team gifts-super sellers

Ever considered becoming a Close to My Heart Consultant? Today is the last day to get the consultant kit at 1/2 price ($64.50)!! It's a great deal, you will be getting over $300.00 in product. Go here to sign up today!
Each month I send each of my team a special gift along with a newsletter.
Below is the card I made for each member!


  1. Your Card is stunning, and what you do for your down lines is totally amazing!

  2. Beautiful card! You certainly treat your team well.

  3. Wow, love the colors you used for the card. Absolutely beautiful!

  4. Your card is gorgeous!

  5. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this card! This is definitely a card I will be CASING.

    Your work is just beautiful and oh so creative.
