Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Be Inspired! Give Away!

Image from Pinterest I thought I would start something new, for me at least. Be Inspired! Above is a picture that I use to inspire me to make this card. Does it inspire you ? Create a project and load it in the linky below by Sunday (April 10) and you will be entered to win a Hope for Japan Stamp set!! You can be inspired by the colors, by the bike, by shapes or flowers, whatever! Just get to creating!!


  1. What an adorable card! I will get busy this weekend to play along!

  2. Thanks for the reminder you posted. I had missed this and will try to play along today.

  3. p.s. I LOVE the way you connected your tag!!!!!!

  4. So sorry ran out of time go play along but can't wait to play your next one!

  5. YAY! I found time to make a card! Thanks for the challenge. Please don't be discouraged by the participation numbers, people are just busy, busy! I hope you'll host another one sometime!! {Love your work, I've been "stalking" you for ages.}
