Friday, March 11, 2011

Scrabble tiles

Is anyone else addicted to Words with Friends on the iPhone? I play all the time, in fact I wake up in the night when I hear my phone go off and play!! Right after Valentines Day I bought a Valentines day card kit on clearance that had Scrabble pieces in it. I think they look so good with the craft boards from CTMH.


  1. I read your blog all the time and I finally decide to comment because of SCRABBLE. haha... I have word feud on my phone and I play scrabble on my ipod touch/facebook. It's an addiction!

  2. Love this card! The kraft boarders do go great with the tiles.

  3. I'm not familiar with that game, but your card is great!

  4. Words with Friends is the best! I usually have about 6 or 7 games going with 4 friends at one time. Love the card too!!
