Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Room mate gifts!

I made each of my room mates ones of these sets of clothes pins and binder clips. In addition I also gave them a cherry chipboard album to cover later and a Japanese umbrella to block the sun while we toured DC!
You can see here that I used some felt flowers, leaves and brads to decorate the clothes pins. I used rub-ons to label each of the clothes pins.

I tied them all up in a hinged tin and add a fragment charm from Tim Holtz with their name on it.
{Room mate gift Supplies}
Cardstock: Blush, Sweetleaf, Chocolate Textured (Close to My Heart)
Ink: Hollyhock, Olive (Close to My Heart)
Stamps: Adorable Backgrounds (Close to My Heart)
Embellishments: Felt flowers, Hollyhock brads, Blush Waxy flax, chocolate ribbon, Rub-on letters and border(Close to My Heart) Tin Box (Papertrey ink) Fragment charm (Tim Holtz), Pencils(Michael's) Clothes Pins


  1. These are so cute! I love your blog. I had hoped to meet you at convention but I don't think we met. It was so overwhelming! Can't wait to see all the great things you come up with from the inspiration from Convention!

  2. Great idea for roomie gifts. I really like the idea of the clips with the rubons. You are so very clever! I'm sure your roommates loved their gifts

  3. I LOVE my room mate gift! You're the best!

  4. What a great gift idea - I wanna be your roommate!!!
