Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cocoa Covered almonds

Store bought of course. By this time I have baked about ever thing I have time for or that my ever shrinking clothes will allow.....
I keep these around in case some one comes by or we get invited to a Christmas party.
Supplies from CTMH-Bamboo CS, Chocolate CS, Chocolate ink, White Daisy ink, pretty pins, Chocolate ribbon, Chipboard snowflake, liquid glass, holiday red button, hemp, January word puzzle stamp set
other-gold glitter, beads, jar


  1. They sound yummy. Have a Merry christmas.

  2. Really nice card - love how you arranged the snowflakes.

  3. Ohhh that card is just gorgeous! I LOVE the colors. I have the darnedest time with our white ink...it NEVER dries LOL

  4. Outstanding! Love the card and the big snowflake on the jar. You are definitely prepared!
