Friday, June 26, 2009

Gift Set

Target is really close to my house and so it is my store of choice because of convenience. The problem is the dollar section at the front of the store, well I am weak. There are always things there that I oooh and ahhh over and it's a bonus because they are only a $1.

Like I said I am weak.

I couldn't pass up this bottle of lotion, manicure set and body spritz in the yummy limeade color.

I used a modified template from Papertrey ink to hold all the goodies.

Supplies from CTMH-Key lime CS, Key lime ink, white daisy CS, white daisy ribbon, white Daisy floss, sparkle

From Papertrey ink-green thumb stamp set, template


  1. This is so cute! And I love the green.

  2. Aaron, what a neat idea. I don't get to Target very often, but I might have to run over there and see if I can find some items like this. I made some trays that show off Close To My Heart's new papers. they are called Bath & Body Trays and I put scratch paper in a couple of the small ones and some goodies in a larger one, but this would be perfect for some of the medium sized trays. Thanks for the idea.

  3. Super cute Aaron!! I too love the dollar spot at Target. :)

  4. Grrrrrr ... why oh why do I live in Vermont? We don't even have a target. I just go 'ga-ga' over all these cute little projects you share with us. As always, you are a continued inspiration!

  5. Woohoo I am loving me some Target dollar deals! They are the best. They put them right by the door LOL...killer
    I LOVE your little gift set it is just perfect!

  6. What a terrific idea! Love it! I go to Target constantly, and they sure to "getcha" with that dollar spot right by the door. Unfortunately for me, I don't often "see" the potential for something as terrific as this gift set. I need creative people like you to share your ideas! So, thank you VERY much for sharing! *Ü*
