Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Oh please-Spring Come Back!

On Friday of last week, I kid you not, we had what looked like a blizzard. Snow blowing so hard, at times visibility was zero. Then by the afternoon the sun was shinning. I want for spring to come and stay awhile. My pour clematis vine was looking so good, now I am thinking it may be close to dead. I have 2 trays for a little veggie seedlings that are starting to out grow there little mini pots. Maybe the cold is over for now!

I made this really cute project for last months Guest star stamper challenge over at Papertrey ink.
Supplies from CTMH-Hollyhock CS, Olive CS, pattern paper from magic moments, Hollyhock ink, Olive ink, bamboo in, Goldrush ink, Twill ribbon, hollyhock button, colonial white hemp
From papertrey ink-glass bag, green thumb stamp set
Other-gloves, seeds


  1. It's been snowing here today! Yes, I would love for spring to come! I love your project.

  2. Love the's great!
    I LOVE Clematis..I have 5 here in my favorite is the Nellie Moser! In Iowa mine die right back every year and I cut them wayyy back and they re grow from the ground up every spring! So don't give up on it yet!
