Tuesday, March 17, 2009

1 pattern, 2 Cards

It is no secret that my favorite card pattern book is the Originals Book from CTMH. There is not a pattern in the book that I don't like. These 2 cards are from the pattern "balance it out"

Supplies from CTMH-Colonial White CS, Crystal Blue CS, Buttercup CS, Bamboo ink, Buttercup ink, Crystal Blue Ink, Heavenly Blue Ribbon, Sparkles, Easter Eggs stamp set

Blush CS, Colonial White CS, Chocolate CS, Garden Green CS, Tulip brads, Pattern paper from That's Amore, Chocolate ribbon, Chocolate ink, foam squares, Ambiance stamp set, prisma glitter

1 comment:

  1. I love this pattern and I love these cards. The yellow and blue is beautiful, and the pink one sooo cute!
    Originals rocks...I used it tonight to make a card and I love how easy it is to use.
