Monday, October 8, 2012

Matchbox full of tags

 Of all the Christmas stamps in the catalog the October Stamp of the Month is my favorite. One of the main reasons is the mitten image, but I adore the others as well. The tags are are wonderful because they cut on the cricut!! That makes mass productions easy and fun! I cut this cute little matchbox use the Artiste cartridge, and it's perfect to hold all of my tags! If you would like your own October stamp of the Month head over to my website- and don't forget to use the "I want to WIN" party for your chance to win an Artiste Cartridge all of your own!


  1. Very cute! I love the cards and tags from this paper pack! I so wanted to come to the class on Saturday, but it was Amanda's turn to pay!!

  2. Such a cute project and a really practical gift item too!

  3. I spy the tag stamp used to make the ornament on the box. Clever!
