Thursday, October 11, 2012

A trio of Tags

 One thing I have been wanting to practice on the cricut is the "center point" feature. I figured some simple tags would be the best way to start learning. Now you can tell on my first one, the snowflake tag, it is not quite center. After I cut that one I learned that it's best for me to measure an make a small pencil mark so I know where to line up my blade. Some of you might be able to eyeball it, but I am just not that good.


  1. Great tags, Aaron! I've been wanting to try out center point, too - brilliant idea to try it with tags :o)

  2. Oh! I didn't understand what center point was! I love this look!! I really need to get a cricut and play a little (well, a lot!) LOL Excellent tags!!

  3. Can you make a video for us on the center point method?
