Sunday, February 14, 2010

New "Clear Card" Video!

ETA: To answer a few questions I have been getting
1. I get my transparency at the office supply store in a box of 100. (I use Office Max and get rewards coupons. The box of transparencies is a little over $21. I had a coupon for $10 off, so they cost me about $13 with tax. That makes them about 13 cents each and one sheet will make 2 cards.
I know there are thicker kinds, but this works for me.
2. Yes, Tombow adhesive works very well.
3 My bracelet came from the Brighton Outlet in San Marcus, I am sure it is Dis-continued now as that was a while ago and it was an outlet store.
4 I will do my best to post some pictures of my craft room in the near future so you can all see what was going on on those shelves behind me!
Good Morning all, and Happy {heart} day to you!
I finished editing my video last night and it's all ready to go!
Take a look! (PS there is a give away at the end!)
Supplies from CTMH-
Blush Cardstock
Colonial White Cardstock
Blush ink
Baby Pink ink
Sweetleaf ink
Blush ribbon
Blush button
White embossing powder
versa mark ink
Charmed stamp set
Create-A Shade Paint
I getting better at seeing myself on video, so you may see more and more of me.
I am still working on an angle/stand for taping video, so I apologies in advance for blocking your view sometimes.
Lastly-my cell phone rang in the middle--too bad it wasn't Ed McMahon!
I am loading this now (11 am) and the video is still processing so it maybe graining for just a short while


  1. Cute cards! You are fine on the videos!

  2. Great video Aaron! Those cards are adorable. Now I'm thinkin I need to get that stamp set.

    Where do you by transparency? I've only found it at office supply stores for an outrageous price.

    Happy Valentine's Day!
    <3 Jenn

  3. Love your cards! I have not made a transparency card is a long time - thanks for the tip for the back side as well.

  4. *********You did a good job! Thanks for the video!! I really like the transparency cards. Thanks for the chance to win, too!!!!****************

  5. I love your cards. Where do you buy the transparency for a good price?

  6. I love your work and your these cards are wonderful

  7. I love your cards! I have never made a transparency card before but will now give it a try. You did a great following your blog.

  8. Great work as usual! Enjoying the videos...keep them coming.

  9. Aaron, loved your video and your card. I haven't gotten up the nerve to do a clear card yet. Maybe seeing yours will give me the courage I need. Thanks for taking the time to show us how it is done.

  10. Hey Aaron, great cards. Hope you had a happy Valentines Day.

  11. Love the cards, great idea using the transparency as a base!!!

  12. Great cards - thanks for the chance to win one of them! I've never made a transparency card or even seen one in person so I would definitely love to have one :)

  13. How cute!! I haven't done a clear card in a long time. Love your blog. It's my favorite!! Keep up the great work!!

  14. Great cards. I can't wait to try it. Thanks so much for sharing your awesome idea.

  15. Aaron, I'm so glad you are doing videos now! You always have such creative ideas. Thanks for sharing with everyone.

  16. I love your card! So cute! thanks for all the tips on your video as well.

  17. Awesome cards and techniques! I am definitely going to have to buy some transparancies. You did a fabulous job on the video! Keep 'em coming! :)

  18. Adorable Cards Aaron!
    Thanks for sharing how to make them with all of us!

  19. You're so cute, Aaron! Love your accent! The cards ROCK, as always! Love your work.

  20. I love these cards and thanks to this wonderful video, I am going to give making one a try. Thanks!!

  21. TOO CUTE!!! Too bad we don't play soccer in Lubbock anymore...I'd love to meet and "create" with you :0)

  22. Adorable cards and your video was great!

  23. Fabulous Cards!!! I can't wait to try making these,,,,your video is awesome, love the tips you give. Great job Aaron.......!!!!!!!
    Peggy Lee

  24.'ve inspired me to play with transparencies all over again!! Beautiful cards!

  25. Love the cards. can't wait to try it.

  26. BEAUTIFUL card and TERRIFIC video, Aaron! Thanks so very much for sharing your creativeness with us! You've inspired me again and I may have to do a "clear card workshop" for my customers!

  27. This is so cool!!! Can't wait to scrap-lift lol please pick me I want one so badly. Love the videos and your wonderful ideas. ??? Is it hard to fold the transpancy ? Roz B

  28. Aaron,
    Your video is wonderful - I love how you explain things - I think even I could do it now! These cards are just beautiful! What a fun - different approach to cards! Thank you SO much!


  29. What a cute card. I have not paid a whole lot of attention to clear cards in the past, becuase I thought they were impractical due to no place to write.

    I love your way of doing them, you get the fun of a clear card with a USEABLE card. Excellent!!!!

    Thanks for sharing!
    I enjoy reading your blog. You pop up at the top of my Google Reader & always anticipate seeing what you've made.

  30. I missed the contest, but just wanted to say "thank you" for your helpful tutorial. Love the transparency idea! Aloha from Hawaii:)

  31. GREAT video and SUPER cute cards!!
