Saturday, August 22, 2009

Featured on {capture the moment}

This week I had a nice surprise when I visited Nichole Heady's blog. She picked my Get Well Soup idea as one of her top trios! You can see that here.

Supplies from CTMH-Colonial White CS, Goldrush CS, Black ink, Creme brulee ink, Goldrush ink
From Papertrey ink-On my couch stamp set
Other-black ribbon, jar

Have a wonderful weekend. I have a class this morning, and then I plan to tackle a mountian of unfinished projects!


  1. Way to go, Aaron! Love your project!

  2. Woohoo Aaron...Love this project.

  3. Congrats Aaron! You always have winning ideas.

    I'm loving this cool project! The simplicity and color combo is super. I'll have to try that with my new "Welcome Home" ss.

  4. Fantastic! Both your project AND being featured on Nichole's blog. So well deserved, too! Way to go, Aaron! Good luck getting all your projects completed. *Ü*

  5. really cute! And I don't normally like orange. Keep it up - Judy

  6. I always love your stuff Aaron!!!
