Monday, December 1, 2008

Chistmas Cards and something neat!

Are you ready to start see Christmas projects? It is Dec 1. As if we haven't been seeing Christmas stuff in the stores since October-Right? This is a set of cards that I made for my Christmas Workshop.
Onto the exciting stuff. As most of you know, I have been taking a Photography class. I have know that there was someone famous in our class since the day we signed up. Anytime a classmate or the instructor post a comment about one of your photos you receive an email letting you know. Here is the email that I received today-

Heidiswapp just posted a comment regarding a Picture of the Day that you posted on 11/29/2008. To view this comment go to the Forum page at:

That is just super cool to me. I just love Heidi Swapp, I read her blog daily. Now I hope she doesn't think I am stalker! LOL!~

1 comment:

  1. I love your complete set! But I don't do seem stalkerish, lol. J/K
