Friday, May 9, 2008

10,000 hits Blog Giveaway!!!

Thank you, to all of you who stop by everyday, to see what I have created, and Thank you to those of you who leave posts. I love reading what you write and hearing your stories too!!
In honor of 10,000 hits I am giving all this wonderful product away.
Serendipity Stamp Set
Cranberry MyAccents
Accordion Album
Flower Stickers
Plus I will send you a copy of the new Papercrafts Magazine with my project in it (due to hit the stands May 13th)
Here's how you win-
Leave a comment telling me what you like to see most on my blog---cards, pages, directions for projects, all of it or pictures of Dixie!!
I will pick a winner on Tues. May 13th by random drawing. (you must enter by midnight Monday)One entry per person please.
Thanks again everyone for making me feel special!!


  1. You are on Aaron. Post all of it and maybe the cards for soldiers.

  2. I love to see tutorials of all sorts so I can get Ideas :) but it is all good

  3. Your cards are wonderful!! i am strictly a 12 x 12 person but after seeing the end results of your fabulous cards I may have to make a few... Thanks for all your inspiration! alexis

  4. just checking in on you --is my favorite card!

  5. hey aaron!
    i love your artwork and visit everyday!! it would be nice to see tutorials, i'm a visual person so it helps me out tremendously.
    thanks and congrats on 10,000 hits!

  6. I think everything you post is great. I can't wait to see what is next. WOW 10,000 hits! That is awesome! You really are talented!!! Beverly

  7. I absolutely love your blog! It's a true inspiration to a new CTMH consultant like me. I would love to someday have a blog that gets 10,000 hits! Wow! Exciting! Congrats on so many hits!

  8. i love it all, but i do find your tutorials very helpful!!!!

  9. love all of it!! ~lpzps

  10. I love that you share some truely origional projects with tutorials and also lots of cards! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Your blog is very informative! I love your directions for projects and like getting inspirations from your amazing cards & layouts!
    Keep up the great work!

  12. What I like? Well what don't I like. My Favorite has to be the Message board. Your paper craft are so wonderful. I do have to say I like seeing Dixie too. That is one cute pup! A CMHC pal showed me your blog and I peek every chance I get.-Thanks

  13. I like the tutorials so that I can create projects too instead spending all my time figuring how did she do that?! I just posted the little 3x3 card holder you had on a while back. Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. How fun! And yeah for you being published again. Can't wait to see it. Love, Sparks

  15. All of it, I love what you have on your blog. I came originally looking for the directions for the accordion holder for 3x3 cards but I will book mark your site. Thanks!

  16. Hi Aaron, I love the cards (because I stink at them) and yours are always awesome. Also I love the tutorials. You did a great job explaining it all. Congrats on 10,000, I was just happy mine went over 100, LOL! Can't wait to see your published piece!

  17. It is too hard to pick... cards, tutorials and Dixie! You are a true inspiration to paper crafters everywhere! I have you set up as an RSS feed and whenever I see a new post, I can't wait to click the link to see what it is! Thanks for sharing with the world!

  18. I like to see cards the most but 12 X 12 layouts are great too!

  19. Personally, I like the directions for projects best. I am always looking for new ideas.

  20. Thewhole thing is great, the tutorials, you are a wonderful teacher, the cards are amazing, but soo are you. Just getting to look at all your work all the time.


  21. I just love reading blogs... but I love the designs you create!

  22. i love seeing your cards and tutorials. i absolutely love the envelope holder for 3x3 cards! i'm in the process of making one of those! i'll post it on my blog when i get it done! thanks for everything aaron!

  23. I love your cards. I also love it when you tell us how you do some of your projects. I love making things that aren't the same old thing and your projects and cards are just beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us!

  24. Aaron, I love your blog and visit regularly...I recently made about 10 of the card holders for gifts and wow, was everyone impressed! I made sure I told them about your site. Anyway, I hope I win your contest, but even if I don't, I'll be back! Thanks, Terrie

  25. I love your artwork! I would love to see video tutorials.

  26. I am always grateful for the tutorials and various photo angles of your projects, it really helps me as a reference when I try to make something.

  27. I love to see anything on your blog, all your stuff is fabulous!

  28. I love it all. I appreciate the step by step instructions on your projects. I was recently surprised by a friend who sent me a mini-album for Mother's Day. She got the idea and instructions from here!! It brought me to tears. I also wanted to thank you for the cards for Soldiers idea. We have a nephew who left last month to serve 15 months in I know what I'm putting in his care package...lots of handmade cards for him and his comrads. Thanks again for the ideas and inspiration!

  29. What a neat idea. I personally am trying to get a lot of scrapbook pages done so would love to see some ideas or sketches if you do those. I LOVE SKETCHES!!!!

  30. The best part for me is the directions, at times i am picture copying challenged!
    So thanks for the directions a quiet blogger ... i look i just don't comment often.

  31. I love seeing all of your fabulous creations!

  32. I love your cards and especially your tutorials. They are awesome. Thanks for sharing your creativity!

  33. I love looking at your cards. Your tutorials are easy to follow also.

  34. Congrats on 10,000 hits!!! LOVE your cards and tutorials.

  35. I love everything that you do. Especially your cards. It is really special when I see something you made and then you send it to me,like the MD gift. You amaze me. Wow! 10,000 hits! That is awesome. Keep up the good work.

  36. I just enjoy every bit of this blog. I can't pick just one thing that is better than the rest. I always like seeing the pictures of your projects outside They look great in the natural outdoor light with the foilage background. Even your picture taking of your projects is creative! Molly

  37. I just started with CTMH in January, and found your blog last week. Love love love all your creative ideas! Thanks for sharing them. (Great to look at when I'm up at night feeding the baby!) Meredith
